Cremation is the process of reducing the body of the deceased to fragments of bone by way of intense heat. We prefer to use the term “cremated remains” rather than “ashes” because we believe that the term “ashes” can be misleading. Our concern about proper cremation procedures led to our decision to establish our own crematorium.
We operate state of the art equipment in an impeccably clean facility and observe strict procedures that ensure the highest legal and ethical standards.
Sometimes, families come in to make arrangements and say, "We want cremation and we don't want a funeral". At that point we can either complete the necessary documentation or we can actually serve you (and fill out the paperwork too). It's always our intention to provide each family with what they ask for. It's also our intention to help families clearly understand what options are available to them when cremation is involved. Rest assured, we want every family to feel they have made wise decisions based on their needs. We are ever mindful of the opinions of families who desire cremation. From our experience, we realize many families don't know what they don't know. As competent, caring counselors we want to help people understand. No question is out of bounds; no consideration is without significance.
Some survivors desire to be present during the cremation. They feel it is much the same as being present at the cemetery for ground burial. The crematorium is conveniently located onsite with comfortable surroundings. You are welcome to be present during all or part of the cremation.
Cremating a deceased requires permission and written authorization by the person responsible for disposition. Prior to cremation, a form must be signed by a Provincial Medical Examiner.
Each deceased is cremated individually. Correct identification is ensured with a carefully controlled labeling system. A pre-numbered metal disc is placed with the deceased prior to cremation and this disc is included with the “cremated remains.”
Cremation is performed to prepare the deceased for memorialization and/or disposition. It is carried out by placing the deceased into a casket or alternative container and then placing them into the cremation chamber. The temperature reaches 1400 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. After several hours, all substances are consumed or evaporated except the bone fragments, minimal residue from the casket or container the deceased was cremated in and any metal or other non combustible material.
Following a cooling period, the cremated remains are removed from the cremation chamber and mechanically processed into a powder-like form. They are now ready to be placed into the designated urn. You can purchase the urn of your choice at our Funeral Home with many selections ranging from wind chimes to traditional urns. There are many options available for personalizing urns, such as engraving the name of the deceased, a photograph, special artwork which you may select or the addition of an appliqué.
After the actual cremation you must decide what to do with the cremated remains. Your options are burial, scattering, columbarium placement or you can personally retain them in your own home.
A couple of words about cremation: cremation is irreversible so every effort should be made to accommodate everyone’s needs prior to the cremation process, i.e. a time for viewing the deceased and having the deceased present at the service; and if you are considering scattering the cremated remains, that too is an irreversible act. You may want to consider your needs and those of others to have a place to remember your loved one. You may wish to scatter a portion of the cremated remains and purchase a keepsake urn which would contain some cremated remains. Another option would be to inter a portion in a cemetery or another suitable location. For those who desire burial, we have a selection of urn vaults which are designed to protect the urn from the elements.