Cook Southland Funeral Chapel - Medicine Hat Logo
(403) 527-6455 901 13th Street SW
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 4V4

Obituary - Brenda Yee

Brenda Yee

1966 - 2014

Cook Southland Funeral Chapel - Yee(2014)
Brenda Yee passed away while in the loving care of her Alfred Egan Home family in Bow Island, Alberta on Saturday, December 27, 2014, at the age of 48 years.  Brenda was born on August 10, 1966, in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. She lived with her family until November 26, 1971, when she was admitted to Wetaskiwin Centre at the age of 5 years.  On August 27, 1982, she was admitted to the Baker Centre, then three years later moved to the Fort Macleod Special Development Unit (1985) where she lived until moving to the Alfred Egan Home on August 14, 2006.  Brenda was a gentle-spirited woman with a contagious giggle and eyes that spoke volumes. She enjoyed holding hands with staff and volunteers and loved listening to stories and books being read to her. Brenda will be sadly missed by her staff and friends at Alfred Egan Home. She is survived by her parents, Shing and Fay; brothers, Roger and Robert and sister, Donna. A Funeral Service honouring Brenda’s life will be celebrated at the Alfred Egan Home, 941 - 1 Street East, Bow Island, Alberta on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. with Pastor Sheila McLeod officiating. 


  1. Thinking of You:
    Jan 04, 2015 at 02:01 AM

    I was a caregiver to Brenda many years ago at Wetaskiwin Centre. Even then she had a beautiful smile and appreciated the attention given her as we explored the things we could do to enrich the lives of the group she spent her time with. It's great to read about family and friends that continued to provide enrichment to her life. My condolences to all who are a part of her family and extended family.

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